Title: Quoth The Walken
(Christopher Walken)
Medium: Gouache on wood
Size: 12" x 12"
This piece will be on exhibition in the upcoming
Nevermore show at
Modern Eden in San Francisco.
Opening Reception:
Saturday December 15, 2012, 6-10 pm
Exhibition Dates:
December 15 - January 6, 2012
As a young girl I used to read a collected stories, Edgar Allen Poe book that my parents had lying around the house. It was full of beautiful black and white engravings which I stared at for hours. However, it did not have The Raven included in it. The first time I heard the poem it was in the movie "The Dead Zone", based on the book by Stephen King. The main character (which Christopher Walken played), was reading it and the subject matter of a lost love was a strong theme in the plot. Ever since then I always think of Walken when I hear the poem or someone mentions it. He is also one of my favorite actors, with a really great face - so it was a pleasure to paint.