Title: Hedgehog Takes A Ride
The Story Behind The Art: The unquestionable cuteness of the hedgehog was the inspiration behind this piece. Also the desire to paint a lighter, more whimsical piece, an homage to our natural world. Placing an animal in a human setting or role helps to connect us with our environment in a wonderful and empathetic way. This little guy put on his top hat and got out his magic carpet to sail around the sun.
In central Asia and parts of Iran, the hedgehog is associated with agricultural abundance, fertility and the gift of fire. In these cultures it is considered a solar power animal, and is strongly connected to the energy and vitality of the sun. This may be further understood when we think of the hedgehog's splayed spikes look much like the spanning rays of the sun.
Many works are for sale or are available for exhibition.
Please email me for details through my website at - www.patrushka.net
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